At CSI we often notice some confusion from our clients when they send requests regarding our scanning services. Scanning is […]
At CSI we often notice some confusion from our clients when they send requests regarding our scanning services. Scanning is primarily used to determine the estimated size and layout of steel reinforcement within concrete elements in order to help determine their structural capacity. Let’s clear up the confusion and discuss scanning in more detail.
Scanning is a non-destructive testing method used by CSI primarily to determine the details of steel reinforcement within concrete structures
At CSI we use various types of scanners:
When we use a ‘Ferro scanner’ it picks up ferrous (iron) material in structures. Electrical current emitted by the device is flowing through a conductor causing a magnetic field. A Ferro scanner measures the disruption of the magnetic field in comparison to the primary magnetic field. See the diagram below.
It is important to note that this piece of equipment has a limited depth range; it can only be relied upon to accurately pick up a single layer of steel. It is very accurate in what it offers at this range and is very sensitive to ferrous material. This is usually an advantage but does make it impossible to accurately scan structures like block work, as the sand used to make blocks is full of iron.
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a different type of scanning that CSI often use and is part of our scanning suite. GPR uses an object to reflect off, whether ferrous or non-ferrous. GPR has a better depth range than the Ferro scanner, however, as we move deeper through a structure, accuracy is compromised. The GPR will also pick up voids as the signal changes with the change in density of the structure we are scanning. It is only GPR that we use for block scanning as the ferrous material in the sand does not scramble the signal.
We can also use our GSSI scanners and smaller cover meters when the need arises. GSSI scanners can collect data up to 1m in concrete, with reliable clarity of information. Also, with the Palm Scanner we are now able to access those tight spaces. One of the services possible with the GSSI kit is bridge scanning.
CSI often use the scanners alongside each other in order to give a clear picture of what is contained in the structure. It is very rare for us to only use one of the scanners. Check out some of our previous projects to see what tools CSI used for the job.
If you’d like to talk to New Zealand’s scanning experts then the CSI team can assist you with independent, accurate and non-destructive scanning services. Contact us today to find out more about how CSI can help you.
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